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  • How to do the Organic Acid and LEAP MRT Combo Test

    By Mark Schauss | March 28, 2011

    How to do the Organic Acid and LEAP MRT

    For those of you who have purchased the Poliquin Entry Level Lab Test Package, here are the instructions on how to properly run the test.

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    Big Losses in 2010

    By Mark Schauss | December 28, 2010

    This year, we lost a few amazing people to cancer, a couple of whom were very close friends. First, in September my dear friend, incredible educator, and amazing person Robert Crayhon succumbed to colon cancer. Then on Christmas Day, Nancy Smith died from complications to pancreatic cancer. Both of these people were gifted healers who cared more about others than themselves. Please have a place in your prayers for both of them.

    Topics: Life | No Comments »

    Genetic Test? For the Birds?

    By Mark Schauss | July 23, 2010

    A recent Congressional hearing uncovered something I’ve been saying for a while, that genetic testing and acting on the results just isn’t ready for prime time. At Burlingtonfest, I commented that just because you have a gene doesn’t mean it is expressing itself. The gene is like a key to a car, it can turn it on, but an outside force must be used to do that. Our outside environment activates genes for good or bad. Toxins are a leading cause of bad expressions of genes. See more on this subject here.

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    Dryer Sheets – Yuck!!!

    By Mark Schauss | July 21, 2010

    Want to know what is in fabric softeners? Well according to Care2 here is a list of what is contained in a number of these household products:

  • Benzyl acetate: Linked to pancreatic cancer.
  • Benzyl Alcohol: Upper respiratory tract irritant.
  • Ethanol: On the EPA’s Hazardous Waste list and can cause central nervous system disorders.
  • Limonene: Suspected Gastrointestinal or Liver Toxicant, Immunotoxicant,
    Kidney Toxicant, Neurotoxicant,
    Respiratory Toxicant, and Skin or Sense Organ Toxicant. 
  • A-Terpineol: Can cause respiratory problems, including fatal edema, and central nervous system damage.
  • Ethyl Acetate: A narcotic on the EPA’s Hazardous Waste list.
  • Camphor: Causes central nervous system disorders.
  • Chloroform: Neurotoxic, anesthetic and carcinogenic.
  • Linalool: A narcotic that causes central nervous system disorders.
  • Pentane: A chemical known to be harmful if inhaled
  • Another chemical that supposedly comes out of dryer sheets is toluene which is a dangerous neurotoxin. Thanks to Dr. Peck for that tip.

    Pretty scary eh? What purpose does a fabric softner really have? Dryer sheets actually accelerate the deterioration of clothes so why use them. Do you really need the smell and short-term softness? I hope not.

    Topics: Environment, Health, Petrochemicals, Solvents, Toxicity | 3 Comments »

    Seizures or Autism – Are we getting the diagnosis wrong?

    By Mark Schauss | July 19, 2010

    Thought provoking talk by Aditi Shankardass: A second opinion on learning disorders. It says that many of the children being diagnossed as autistic are actually having seizures. Fascinating talk.

    Topics: autism, Health, Healthcare, Neurological Disorders | No Comments »

    Burlingtonfest Presentation

    By Mark Schauss | July 15, 2010

    Here is a link to the audio of my talk recently in Burlington Vermont on Laboratory Testing and Healing the Brain. I’ve also attached a pdf of the presentation for anyone who wants to follow along. Just click the following link –  Helping to Heal the Brain.

    Topics: Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

    Artificial Sweetners May Cause Type II Diabetes in Some

    By Mark Schauss | May 10, 2010

    My favorite science journal has to be Science News. It comes bi-weekly and it delivers synopsis of recent scientific findings in an easy to read manner. I’ve been getting it since 1984 and love it.

    A recent (March 27, 2010) article entitled Stomach’s Sweet Tooth, talks about recent finding that show that not only does the tongue have taste buds but our gut does as well. So how would this affect blood sugar regulation? Well it turns out that when the gut taste cells run across an artificial sweetner (or any sweet substance) it notifies the pancreas to get ready to produce insulin. As the article states, “Diet drinks are often enjoyed without food, which means the gut may be preparing for fuel that never arrives.” We know that overproduction of insulin can strain the pancreas to the point that it begins to fail and you develop Type II diabetes.

    Turns out there have been three studies that found a association between diet soda intake and Type II diabetes, on in Circulation in 2008. Another great quote from Science News is at the end of the article, “So beware those little white lies. Thousands of years of evolution have yielded a finely tuned digestive machine, one that recognizes incoming energy and knows how to make the most of it. These intricate chains of events evolved during a time when that sweet zing reliably indicated food rich in valuable calories. And for thousands of years, the gut reacted appropriately.

    Perhaps the adage “trust your gut”  should be accompanied with another edict: “Tell it no lies.””

    Couldn’t have said it better myself.

    Topics: Food, Health | No Comments »

    Disturbing Trend – Phthalates

    By Mark Schauss | May 4, 2010

    Over the years, I’ve lectured and at times ranted about the problem with phthalates in our environment. Well, I’m here to rant a little more because of a disturbing trend I’m seeing. When I get a call from a university medical center concerned with a dramatic increase in the number of under 30 year old males with low testosterone levels, I get concerned.

    Phthalates are known to depress testosterone levels in males so I began to dig into my database of thousands of urinary toxin tests and lo and behold, I’m finding hundreds and hundreds of young males with high levels of phthalates showing up in their urine. This is truly disturbing. Research has suggested that males are now more infertile than females for the first time in human history. Can this be one of the culprits? I think it is a strong contributing factor.

    We know that phthalates can damage DNA in male sperm, cause insulin resistance, shorten the length of pregnancies and affect the ano-genital distance in male fetuses aside from the testosterone effect. You can find many of the studies at the website of the journal, Environmental Health Perspectives. How long as a society should we put up with a product that hurts us and future generations? You know my answer, never.  But when money and greed step in and politicians lack the back bone to do what is necessary, we doom ourselves to continue hurting ourselves.

    Topics: Health, Healthcare, Laboratory Tests, Opinion, Research, Solvents | No Comments »

    I’m Back – With a Cautionary Tale

    By Mark Schauss | April 30, 2010

    Sorry to all my loyal readers, it’s been an unusual year fraught with lots of stress. I had to deal with and get rid of all those distractions so I could concentrate on my blogs, podcasts and the like. Now that all that nonsense is over with, I can get back to the work at hand.

    On a very somber note, many of you may know about my dear friend and colleague Robert Crayhon and his battle with stage 4 colorectal cancer. Today is Robert’s 49th birthday, hopefully with many more to come. He is one of those truly good people in a world with far too many bad guys out there. He is and remains an amazing educator which is quite obvious while reading his blog site about his battle with cancer.

    When I called Robert the day before his surgery, I asked him if there was anything I could do for him. His response, just as I would have expected was that he wanted me to get a colonoscopy. In his hour of need, he still thought about someone else. So, I called my new doctor and set up an appointment so I could get a referral (you know how insurance works) to get one done. It also inspired me to do a podcast about taking care of oneself. And for any of you over the age of 45 (not 50, that is too late for some), go get a colonoscopy.

    Robert is also in somewhat of dire straight’s financially. If you can help please go here to make a donation via PayPal.

    To all my readers, I have lots of topics to write about and will be posting here regularly. Glad to be back

    Topics: Health, Laboratory Tests | No Comments »

    More on the Horror that is Fiji Water

    By Mark Schauss | August 12, 2009

    I’ve blogged in the past about why people should not buy Fiji Water. Now a report from Mother Jones shows you another even bigger set of reasons why you should never buy the product. It talks about how the dictators who allow their people to suffer through typhoid outbreaks due to a tainted water supply, are getting their funding from the people who own Fiji Water.

    I for one believe a national boycott of this truly tainted water is called for.

    Topics: Environment, Health, Opinion, Politics | 2 Comments »

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