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  • Archive for June, 2008

    Food Additives – The Ones to Avoid

    Thursday, June 5th, 2008

    Jean Weiss wrote an interesting article for MSN Health & Fitness about the 12 Food Additives to Avoid. Sage advice from Ms. Weiss. One of the issues Tasya, my daughter has had to deal with is her sensitivity to a number of food additives, especially aspartame (a real neurotoxic poison) and food dyes. In many […]

    How to Restart Your Sleep Cycle

    Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

    For many of us who travel a lot, especially across multiple time-zones, getting back in the swing of things, especially when it comes to sleep, is really difficult. But researchers at the Harvard Medical School may have an answer and it is fasting. Imagine instead of taking a week to reset your internal clock you […]

    Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Health Insurance

    Monday, June 2nd, 2008

    In today’s ever escalating health insurance cost atmosphere, insurers try to get you to use the least of your benefits while charging you more and more every year. I’ve seen this scenario play out with my daughter Tasya, when Mega Health and Life Insurance screwed us by saying that the MRIs and CT scans she […]