A New Podcast
Tuesday, February 17th, 2009After taking a 2 1/2 month hiatus, I’ve gotten back into the “studio” and begun a new series of podcasts starting with the one today which is on a lab test I recommend everyone do at least once if not more over, the Environmental Pollutants Biomarker urine test from US Biotek, available from Lab Interpretation LLC. […]
Cutler Interview
Thursday, October 16th, 2008Ealier this year, I did an interview with Andrew Cutler, PhD talking about his thoughts on autism, mercury, and porphyrin testing. You can listen to it on my podcast site by clicking this link. Just recently, Michael Ross, did a transcript of the interview that you can download and read for yourself. Thank you Michael […]
Recent Klinghardt Interview
Saturday, October 11th, 2008Just wanted to tell you that I just completed a 1+ hour interview of Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. It was an amazing hour listening to him talk about the newest findings in medicine (his personal findings), autism and a 15 minute answer to my question about the stressful times our world is finding itself in. While […]
My Podcasts Live
Friday, September 19th, 2008In case you haven’t heard about my podcasts, you can scoot over to www.labinterpretation.podhoster.com and either download to a podcatcher like iTunes or just listen to it online. I have already covered subjects like CODEX and DSHEA, cholesterol myths and truths, catecholamines, arabinose versus D-arabinitol as a yeast marker, and a few book, website and […]
I’m Podcasting!!! (Finally)
Tuesday, September 9th, 2008Well, I finally did it. I started podcasting. The podcast name is – Let’s Talk Real Health and while it isn’t perfect (yet), it is something I hope you will download to your iPod or mp3 player, or just listen to it online. This weeks segment includes a discussion on PSA testing, styrene markers in […]