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    Crestor Jupiter Study – Problems, Issues and Solutions

    Tuesday, November 11th, 2008

    The recently reported study JUPITER, which shows that the drug Crestor, aka rosuvastatin, would help reduce inflammation in the arteries which would help reduce the number of heart attacks has got me puzzled. What struck me was the amazed reactions by physicians who were shocked, shocked that C-Reactive Protein, a marker for inflammation, was a […]

    Cutler Interview

    Thursday, October 16th, 2008

    Ealier this year, I did an interview with Andrew Cutler, PhD talking about his thoughts on autism, mercury, and porphyrin testing. You can listen to it on my podcast site by clicking this link. Just recently, Michael Ross, did a transcript of the interview that you can download and read for yourself. Thank you Michael […]

    Recent Klinghardt Interview

    Saturday, October 11th, 2008

    Just wanted to tell you that I just completed a 1+ hour interview of Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. It was an amazing hour listening to him talk about the newest findings in medicine (his personal findings), autism and a 15 minute answer to my question about the stressful times our world is finding itself in. While […]

    My Podcasts Live

    Friday, September 19th, 2008

    In case you haven’t heard about my podcasts, you can scoot over to www.labinterpretation.podhoster.com and either download to a podcatcher like iTunes or just listen to it online. I have already covered subjects like CODEX and DSHEA, cholesterol myths and truths, catecholamines, arabinose versus D-arabinitol as a yeast marker, and a few book, website and […]

    BPA is Safe! Just Believe the FDA and You’ll be OK. Yeah, Right.

    Thursday, August 21st, 2008

    If you believe the FDA, you can continue to use bisphenol A laden products without any concerns. If you are a rational individual who realizes that the ones who decided the safety of this toxin is so beholden to the BPA industry that they couldn’t make an unbiased decision to save their lives. Sorry to […]

    Boulderfest 2008 Presentation

    Sunday, July 20th, 2008

    If you go over to my other blog site, MarkSchauss.com, you can download a copy of the PowerPoint presentation I gave at the Boulderfest 2008 in Broomfield, Colorado this past weekend. It gave an overview of the different lab tests that give clinical relevance to a number of disorders from autism to asthma, from infertility […]

    Cholesterol Drugs for Children? You Must Be Kidding!

    Wednesday, July 9th, 2008

    When I first read the article at MSNBC, I checked my calendar to see if somehow it was April Fools Day and some one was playing a very bad joke on me. If there was ever a sign that personal responsibilty, parental control, and medical idiocy all joined forces at the same time, this is […]

    Trans Fats – Ban the Garbage

    Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

    Trans fats are about the most health damaging thing you can ingest short of poison. While it is coming out of a lot of foods, because of labeling laws, manufacturers can list 0 grams of trans fats but still have it in the food as long as it is less than .5 grams per serving. I […]

    How to Restart Your Sleep Cycle

    Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

    For many of us who travel a lot, especially across multiple time-zones, getting back in the swing of things, especially when it comes to sleep, is really difficult. But researchers at the Harvard Medical School may have an answer and it is fasting. Imagine instead of taking a week to reset your internal clock you […]

    Phthalates in Your World

    Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

    One of my favorite organizations in the fight against our toxic world is the Environmental Working Group. They send out regular emails about issues relating to our environment and today’s was particularly interesting as it had a link to their Enviroblog talking about phathalates, that insidious plasticizer that is in all of our bodies. Here […]

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