Laboratory Tests
Next Entries »Boulderfest 2008 Presentation
Sunday, July 20th, 2008If you go over to my other blog site,, you can download a copy of the PowerPoint presentation I gave at the Boulderfest 2008 in Broomfield, Colorado this past weekend. It gave an overview of the different lab tests that give clinical relevance to a number of disorders from autism to asthma, from infertility […]
Food Additives – The Ones to Avoid
Thursday, June 5th, 2008Jean Weiss wrote an interesting article for MSN Health & Fitness about the 12 Food Additives to Avoid. Sage advice from Ms. Weiss. One of the issues Tasya, my daughter has had to deal with is her sensitivity to a number of food additives, especially aspartame (a real neurotoxic poison) and food dyes. In many […]
Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Health Insurance
Monday, June 2nd, 2008In today’s ever escalating health insurance cost atmosphere, insurers try to get you to use the least of your benefits while charging you more and more every year. I’ve seen this scenario play out with my daughter Tasya, when Mega Health and Life Insurance screwed us by saying that the MRIs and CT scans she […]
Connecticut Training – PowerPoint Presentation
Monday, April 14th, 2008For those of you who are interested in laboratory testing related to health, go to my other blog site at and you can download my two presentations done on April 12 and 13, 2008 at the Hyatt Regency in Old Greenwhich, Connecticut.
My Latest Presentation on Lab Testing and Environmental Health
Monday, April 7th, 2008I’d like to thank the people who came to my presentation I did with Robert Crayhon this past weekend in San Francisco and Los Angeles. It was fun to see old friends and make new ones. The enthusiasm to help people that everyone had was invigorating and inspiring. To get my presentation from this past […]
Combinational Toxicity – The Toxic Soup Within Our Bodies
Monday, March 3rd, 2008In an article published in the British journal, New Scientist, author Bijal Trivedi reports on how combinations of the toxic effects of the toxins within our bodies can be far greater than the sum of the toxins. Say if the lethality of each of 8 chemical toxicant by themselves was .01 on a scale of 0-5, […]
Prozac – A Failure to Heal
Tuesday, February 26th, 2008In an article published in PLoS Medicine by Drs. Kirsch and colleagues shows that the drug Prozac is no better than placebo in treating depression. Given that placebo has no side-effects, this means that Prozac is not only worthless, but dangerous. By including unpublished, negative studies, the authors found out that the drug is a […]
Cholesterol Lowering Drugs are Worthless in Most Cases – Part Three
Monday, February 25th, 2008Before I get into today’s discussion on inflammation, please go to this link put up by Chance News, a group dedicated to reviewing information about the use of statistics in the news. They review the cholesterol news and and the statistics behind it. Go down halfway down the page to see the report. Inflammation. That is the […]
Perchlorates and Iodine – Another Reason to Ban this Substance
Thursday, February 14th, 2008Turns out that the molecular pump that drives iodine also does the same to the toxic chemical perchlorate. Researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, led by Dr. Nancy Carrasco, found that perchlorate does double damage to lactating mothers and their babies because the chemical depletes the child of much needed iodine. This finding […]
Update on Tasya – Seizures, Health, Behavior and Mood
Tuesday, February 12th, 2008It’s about time I updated everyone on my soon to be 12-year old daughter, Tasya. As anyone who has read my book knows, she has a rare and as of yet, uncatergorized form of epilepsy that was so severe at one time, we thought that either she would die of it or become severely retarded […]
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