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General News From the World of Science
By Mark Schauss | May 20, 2009
Today’s blog is just a gathering of things I’ve learned recently while perusing the numerous journals I subscribe to.
- A recent issue of The Lancet published a study that says that if your BMI (body mass index) is 30-35 which is the definition of moderate obesity, you can expect to have 2-4 years cut off of your life expectancy. Additionally, it is likely that those years will be filled with more ill health as well.
- Milk may fuel cancer in men and women because of the number of different estrogen’s found in different types of milk. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute at Fredrick, Maryland found high levels of estrogen’s in all types of milk. Particularly disturbing was the finding of 2-hydroxyestrone in skim milk as this hormone is the most reactive. Other disturbing hormones found include 5alpha-pregnanedione which increases the number of estrogen receptors which can turn tumor growth on. Use the precautionary principle here and cut out milk consumption.
- The pharmaceutical industry spends an average of 28.8 billion dollars per year on research. Conversely, they spend 73.9 billion a year on marketing and administration. Must be working for them as their annual sales of brand-name drugs was $228.5 billion in 2008.
- If you have prostate cancer or concerned about developing it, test for the amino acid sarcosine as it may help distinguish between slow-growing prostate cancer versus the type that is more likely to spread. According to researchers sarcosine is likely to be more of a fuel for the cancer than a bystander.
- Is there a better cause than is being developed by the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education? Its mission is To undertake a rigorous scientific study of the neural, mental and social bases of compassion and altruistic behavior that draws from a wide spectrum of disciplines including psychology, neuroscience, economics and contemplative traditions.
To explore ways in which compassion and altruism can be cultivated within an individual as well as within the society on the basis of testable cognitive and affective training exercises. Albert Schweitzer once said “Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace.” In today’s uncertain times, isn’t it time to change from a consumption minded society to a compasionate one? Then, and only then, can we all be happier and more at peace with world.
Topics: Drugs, Health, Life, Opinion, Our World, pharmaceuticals, Research, Uncategorized | No Comments »