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Blood Pressure Vaccine – Breakthrough or Another Reason to Drop Responsibility?
By Mark Schauss | March 31, 2008
A new vaccine which helps bind angiotensin (a cause of hypertension) and reduce it to a harmless compound has supposedly shown benefits in reducing hypertension a major cause of stroke and coronary heart disease. Co-author of a study on the vaccine, Martin Bachmann from Cytos Biotechnology in Schlieren, Switzerland say that the vaccine stimulates the immune system to attack angiotensin like it would a virus and take it out of cirulation.
When we look at the data which was published in the March 8th issue of The Lancet the vaccine group had a 5 point greater drop in their diastolic (lower number) versus placebo but in the mornings the drop was pretty significant, 25 points for systolic and 13 for diastolic. Pretty impressive in the morning but less so overall. Thing is, there are tons of things people can do to lower their blood pressure that does not require drugs or vaccines. It takes personal responsibility.
In today’s medical world, the move in the pharmaceutical as well as with some in the alternative world is to find shots, pills, potions and such to compensate for people’s lack of care for their personal health. Simple things like exercise, proper diet, lowering alcohol and caffeine intake are vastly superior in short- and long-term effects at reducing both systolic (upper number) and diastolic without the side effects.
In my years working for Life Balances with the late John Kitkoski, we used one tablespoon of vinegar (I prefer organic apple cider vinegar) in 8 ounces of water once or twice a day to lower systolic blood pressure and increasing the intake of potassium rich foods or balanced electrolytes with a higher propoertion of potassium.
Topics: Health, Healthcare, Research | 4 Comments »
April 6th, 2008 at 5:49 am
[…] Schauss presents Blood Pressure Vaccine – Breakthrough or Another Reason to Drop Responsibility? posted at Toxic World Blog – Detoxify and Heal Your […]
April 10th, 2008 at 3:25 am
[…] Schauss presents Blood Pressure Vaccine – Breakthrough or Another Reason to Drop Responsibility? posted at Toxic World Blog – Detoxify and Heal Your […]
April 13th, 2008 at 5:21 pm
[…] Schauss presents Blood Pressure Vaccine – Breakthrough or Another Reason to Drop Responsibility? posted at Toxic World Blog – Detoxify and Heal Your […]
May 1st, 2008 at 7:30 am
[…] and I do use it for its’ natural health benefits. You may see Mark’s article at Toxic World Blog – Detoxify and Heal Your Body! Thank you Mark for your submission. Hope to see you again. Elizabeth … wow! Everything about […]