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Couple of “Greening” Websites
By Mark Schauss | May 21, 2008
I’m always on the outlook for new ideas, as well as old ones, to decrease my environmental footprint and to share my findings with everyone. Here are a few websites I have found with ideas on how to “green” your life.
Live Science has a top 10 list of things to do to Green Your Home. One problem though with it, as one of comments pointed out is that while it is nice to tell you what to do, it is important to tell you how to do it more effectively.
Here is a link to how to implement some of the ideas in a printable PDF file.
Treehugger.com is a great website to learn about all things green. Here is a link to some real usable information on green cleaning.
Topics: Environment, Global Warming, Health, Our World, Solvents, Toxicity, Websites | No Comments »