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Pesticides in Your Fruit and Vegetables – When to Buy Organic
By Mark Schauss | March 12, 2009
As anyone who has ever been to one of my lectures can tell you, one of my favorite websites is the one for the Environmental Working Group. Well they just upped their usefullness by posting a listing of the fruits and vegetables with the highest and lowest levels of pesticides. If you print out the pdf file, you can cut out a shopper’s guide to carry in your wallet or purse. The data they used was an analysis of over 87,000 tests for pesticide residues.
The worst “dirty dozen” pesticide laden fruits and vegetables were, in order, peach, apple, bell pepper, celery nectarine, strawberries, cherries, kale, lettuce, imported grapes, carrot and pear. The suggestion is, if you want to eat these items, you must go organic.
The Clean 15 as they put it, those with the lowest detectable pesticide levels are: onion, avocado, sweet corn, pineapple, mango, asparagus, sweet peas, kiwi, cabbage, eggplant, papaya, watermelon, broccoli, tomato and sweet potato.
Handy information to have at your disposal. Thanks to them and the website Foodnews.
Topics: Environment, Food, Health, Our World, Toxicity | 1 Comment »
May 19th, 2009 at 8:06 pm
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