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    Possible Cautionary Use of Glycine in Prostate Cancer

    By Mark Schauss | March 17, 2009

    In the February 12, 2009 issue of Nature, researchers led by Sreekumar reported on the correlation between the progression of prostate cancer and the amino acid sarcosine. Sarcosine is derived from glycine and methionine through methylation pathways. Functionally low levels of vitamin B2, aka riboflavincan cause a build-up of sarcosine as well as low folic acid levels.

    What ramifications this study has in the treatment of prostate cancer is unclear but it should help in possibly slowing the progression through the denial of glycine and possibly methionine in the diet.

    In my comment about B2, I mention functional deficiency. I do this as opposed to a measured deficiency. The difference is that while person A and B may have the same levels in their blood, plasma or whatever fluid you are testing, person B may be functionally deficient because they may need more of the nutrient due to things like genetic polymorphisms, stress, environment or other factors. So while measuring nutrient levels may be helpful, they may not be as clinically relevant as functional markers like sarcosine.

    Topics: Health, Healthcare, Laboratory Tests, Opinion, Research, Supplements | 1 Comment »

    One Response to “Possible Cautionary Use of Glycine in Prostate Cancer”

    1. Dan sullivan Says:
      October 24th, 2009 at 1:42 am

      My son has scitzofrenia. I have read several studies that sarcosine 2 grams daily can have a positive effect. And I have heard it is benign.
      I bot ultra pure sarcosine and am taking it myself to besure it is safe.
      Is it?
